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V-Kool Price Malaysia 2021: An Overview

VKOOL Package
VKOOL Package from www.suwannakit.com

V-Kool Price Malaysia 2021: An Overview

What is V-Kool?

V-Kool is a brand of automotive window film that is popular in Malaysia. The film is produced by V-Kool International, a company based in Singapore. It is designed to reduce the amount of heat that enters a vehicle, as well as protecting its occupants from the sun's harmful UV rays. It is also designed to reduce the amount of glare that can be experienced when driving in bright conditions.

How Much Does V-Kool Cost in Malaysia?

The cost of V-Kool window film in Malaysia varies depending on the type of film and the size of the window that it is being installed on. Generally, prices start from around RM500 for a basic package. If you require more advanced features, such as UV and infrared protection, then the cost could be higher. It is important to note that the cost of installation is not included in the price of the window film.

Where to Buy V-Kool in Malaysia?

V-Kool window film is widely available in Malaysia, with many automotive accessories shops selling the product. You can also find it online, either through the official V-Kool website or through third-party websites. If you are looking for the best deals, then it is worth shopping around as prices can vary significantly between different suppliers.

What Are the Benefits of V-Kool?

V-Kool window film offers a range of benefits for car owners in Malaysia. As well as reducing the amount of heat that enters the car, it also provides protection from the sun's harmful UV rays. It can also reduce the amount of glare experienced when driving in bright conditions, making it safer for drivers. The film is also durable and can last for many years, meaning that it is a cost-effective investment.


V-Kool window film is a popular choice for car owners in Malaysia, thanks to its range of benefits. The cost of the film varies depending on the type and size of the window that it is being installed on, but prices generally start from around RM500. It is widely available both in-store and online, so it is worth shopping around for the best deals.

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