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How To Tint Dark On The Outside And Light On The Inside

20 window Tint at night (Outside View) YouTube
20 window Tint at night (Outside View) YouTube from www.youtube.com

How to Tint Dark on the Outside and Light on the Inside

The Benefits of Window Tinting

Window tinting has become increasingly popular in the last few years. Not only does it provide a cool, sleek look to your car, but it also offers several benefits to help improve its performance. Window tinting can help protect your car's interior from the harsh rays of the sun, reducing the amount of fading and discoloration with time. Additionally, it helps to keep the interior temperature of your car more comfortable, as tinted windows block out the sun's heat. It can even provide an extra layer of security for your car, since it makes it harder for potential thieves to see inside.

Steps to Tint Dark on the Outside and Light on the Inside

Tinting dark on the outside and light on the inside can be achieved in a few simple steps. First, you should choose the right tint for your car. If you are looking for the darkest tint, you will want to choose a tint that is around the 35% mark. This will give your car a sleek, dark look on the outside, while still allowing some light to come through on the inside. It is important to make sure that the tint you choose is legal in your area, as laws vary from state to state.

Once you have chosen the right tint, you will need to begin the installation process. Window tinting is a fairly simple job, but it is important to make sure that the tint is installed correctly. If the tint is not applied correctly, it can cause bubbling or peeling, which will not look attractive and can reduce the effectiveness of the tint. Therefore, it is best to hire a professional to install the tint for you. It is also important to make sure that the tint is dry before you try to roll the windows up.

Caring for Your Tinted Windows

Once the tint is installed, it is important to take care of it properly. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaning solutions on your tinted windows, as this can cause them to bubble or peel. For best results, use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe away any dirt or debris. Additionally, it is important to avoid rolling the windows down too quickly, as this can cause the tint to tear.


Tinting dark on the outside and light on the inside can be a great way to add a sleek, stylish look to your car. Not only does it look great, but it also provides several benefits, such as protection from the sun, improved interior temperature, and additional security. While the installation process is fairly simple, it is important to make sure that it is done properly and to take care of your tinted windows afterwards.

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